The culture of Kazan is like a braid plaited from 3 different parts: tradition of Bulgar, the influence of the Golden Horde and Russian impact. As a result we observe a completely unique phenomenon. Combination and repulsion, mutual enrichment and parallel co-existence of different cultures created a new palette, a new look and gave new scope, which is absolutely unexhausted up to present days.
The culture of Kazan reached its fullest flower in the Middle Ages, but even today in many aspects it remains a thing in itself – unfully revealed, not really in demand, for some reasons not too well-known in the world…
Meanwhile Kazan is closely connected with fates of talented painters, singers, composers, artists and writers of various nationalities. The names of Gavriil Derzhavin, Carl Fuks, Leo Tolstoy, Velemyr Khlebnikov, Fedor Shalyapin, Vasily
Kachalov, Maxim Gorky, Gabdulla Tukay, Nickolay Feshin, Sofia Gubaydullina, Irek Mukhametov and many other are written in golden letters into the history of world culture.
Scientific institutions of Kazan - this subject can be developed into a great discussion. Many of these institutions, founded in the XIX-th century gave way to the further development of new spheres in the world science. For instance, Nikolay Lobachevsky, not only was the head of Kazan Imperial University for 18 years (1792-1856), but also, being a great mathematician, created non-Euclidean geometry. Alexander Butlerov, who received his education and worked for a long time in Kazan, was the leading Russian chemist of his period and the President of Russian chemical society. Physicist Zavoysky, the discoverer of paramagnetic resonance, is famous all over the world, and international conferences named in his honor yearly take place in Kazan… |