It’s impossible to know all the details of the past, and we learn about the past epochs, as a rule, from a row of separated key moments, from what we call myths. And material objects of the epoch are often the only visible confirmation of researchers’ conjectures.
Among ancient finds, found on Kazan area there’re items of ceramics, women’s decorations, primitive tools. In the pre-Mongolian stratum of the Kazan Kremlin archaeologists found a tannery with pieces of leather. It’s interesting to trace how these first attempts slowly, step by step, start to turn into the prototype of modern economics, medieval workshops develop into huge commercial enterprises, and some spheres that appeared about 300-400 years ago still play the leading role in the city economy. For instance, soap manufacturing, initially being a handicraft, in the XVIII-th century developed into a large factory of brothers Krestovnikovy and grew at amazing speed since then. During the years of the Soviet Union this factory was given a new name – it became Vakhitov industrial complex. It survived the crisis in 1998, was reformed into “Nefis cosmetics” and became one of the leading companies producing household chemical goods…
Why some cities develop swiftly, and others draggle far behind? What’s the secret of economical success and how closely it’s connected with the politics? The history of Kazan economical growth gives non commonplace answers – for instance, only half a century after devastating wars, that resulted in downfall of the Kazan Khanate, Kazan all of a sudden became the most populated city in Russia… |