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Kazan science and education

  • All-Russia scientific - practical conference "Òatar Muslim parishes in Russian empire"
    All-Russia scientific - practical conference On September 27, the All-Russia scientific-practical conference "Tatar Muslim parishes in Russian empire" will open at the Institute of a history named after S.Mardzhani, of RT Academy of sciences. The Institute of history named...
  • Ambassador of Lithuania visit Kazan university
    Ambassador of Lithuania visit Kazan universityThe meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuanian Republic in Russian Federation will take place at Kazan State University tomorrow within the framework of Days of Lithuania in...
  • Mintimer Shaimiev handed State prizes named after Gabdulla Tukai
    Mintimer Shaimiev handed State prizes named after Gabdulla TukaiOn August 30, according to long- term tradition, RT President Mintimer Shaimiev handed the State prizes named after Gabdulla Tukai to three prize winners of 2005 on the square in front of the Tatar state academic theatre...
  • Conference of psychologists of Russia opened in Naberezhnye Tchelny
    Conference of psychologists of Russia opened in Naberezhnye TchelnyThe All-Russia scientific - practical conference on topic "Realities and prospects of psychological science and practice in Russian society” opened in the city of Naberezhny Tchelny. The forum is arranged by Institute of management of...
  • M.Shaimiev: modern Center of out-patient dialysis meeting world quality standards...
    M.Shaimiev: modern Center of out-patient dialysis meeting world quality standards...President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev took part in opening the Kazan Center of out-patient dialysis created by the Dutch company “Euromedic International N.V.-on the basis of Inter-regional clinic - diagnostic center...
  • Institute of history organizes conference "Tatar Muslim parishes in Russian empire"
    Institute of history organizes conference The All-Russia scientific conference "Tatar Muslim parishes in Russian empire - will be held in Kazan on September 27-28. As organizer of scientific forum comes out the Institute of history of the Academy of sciences of the Republic Tatarstan...
  • Bologne process promises significant receipts in the budget of Tatarstan
    Bologne process promises significant receipts in the budget of TatarstanCouncil of Kazan university rectors proposed to set up inter-university house, library, electronic library, hostel, and resource centers for foreign students. Today at the plenary session of Republican August...
  • Traditional August Conference of Teachers "Education in New Millennium” opened in Kazan
    Traditional August Conference of Teachers Traditional Republican August conference of heads of educational bodies under the title "Education in New Millennium" and devoted to forthcoming anniversary of Kazan opened at the exhibition center "Kazan Fair". Present conference may...
  • Makzyum Salakhov elected a new chairman of RT Council of university rectors
    Makzyum Salakhov elected a new chairman of RT Council of university rectorsThe rector of Kazan state university Makzyum Salakhov has been elected as new chairman of RT Council of university rectors. It took place at exit session of RT Council of rectors...
  • History of Islam development in Volga region becomes subject of international scientific symposium...
    History of Islam development in Volga region becomes subject of international scientific symposium...The II International symposium "Islamiv culture in Volga-Ural region" is due to open today in Kazan. Organizers of the action are the International research center on history, art and culture of Islam (IRCICA) under the Organization of Islamic conference...
  • Ñòðàíèöû:  1  2  3  4 

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