There is almost no information about tatar craftsmen in Kazan in the 1560-s. After the downfall of the Khanate trade was in decline for quite a long period. The old taxes (including yasack) increased, and there appeared new ones, for instance people had to pay 20% interests on their income. According to the annals of this period “houses were empty after wars, and arable lands were covered with bushes”.
There was a long period of difficulties connected with complete destruction of former way of life, migration, fatal consequences of the failed national-liberation movement (second half of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries). Economics began to improve only in the middle of the XVIII century. Due to the fact that Middle Volga region joined the province, tatar population began to play an important role in All-Russian economical development. In the regions where tatar people came into close contact with Russian peasants there were observed mutual technical borrowings and enrichment of the agricultural traditions. Because of increased production of raw materials, handicraft also faced rapid development. In 1646 there were already no less than 800 handicraft workshops in Kazan; in comparison – in 1560 their number was only 300.
It’s necessary to admit, that lots of craftsmen and their descendants forced to leave Kazan, moved to various villages where they gave birth to traditional branches of handicraft. But in non-Russian villages there was no metal-working except jeweler’s art. The government prohibited blacksmith’s work on penalty of severe punishment, in that way they wanted to stop weapon production among non-Russian population.
During this period in Kazan appeared soap- and candle-workers. These industries developed rapidly and soon played the leading role in the land’s production. Trade also gradually returned its lost positions.
Kazan became the most populated city in Russia. Various kinds of industrial production developed there; among them were cloth production, ship-building and many others. The city became the governing centre for quickly developing industry.
Kazan, being the capital of a giant in size province, had to financially support army, fleet and diplomatic department. The governor of Kazan, like rulers of other provinces, was given enormous administrative, judicial and financial power, besides at his service was developed bureaucratical machinery. Thus, he was in charge of tax collection, questions of justice, recruitment. Also he was the commander-in-chief of all armed forces on the territory of the province.
Gradually there appeared a class of merchants. What’s interesting, Kazan Tatars had no right to go into trade until 1686. |