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Kazan \ park of culture \

Kazan park of culture

  • Tiles made by Yaroslavl Ceramists will decorate walls of Kazan mosque Mardjani
    Tiles made by Yaroslavl Ceramists will decorate walls of Kazan mosque MardjaniThe Yaroslavl masters - ceramists are completing work over last batch of unique tiles which will decorate Mardjani mosque in Old - Tatar sloboda of Kazan. The works were supposed to be finished to...
  • Musical-poetic festival named after Rustam Bikmullin take place in capital of Tatarstan
    Musical-poetic festival named after Rustam Bikmullin take place in capital of TatarstanThe IV Republican youth musical-poetic festival named after Rustam Bikmullin will take place in Kazan tomorrow. This year, more than 120 young men and girls from cities and regions of Republic will take part in traditional annual...
  • Exhibition "Atatyurk and Turkey history in photos"
    Exhibition The exhibition "Atatyurk and Turkey history in photos" opened in National library of Tatarstan yestoday. The unique photos and the books, devoted to the founder of Turkish Republic Mustafa Kemal Atatyurk and...
  • RT Movie makers Union put a question on State support of film-industry
    RT Movie makers Union put a question on State support of film-industryThe VIII congress of RT Movie makers Union opened in Kazan. Before the opening, about 30 documentary and feature films created at the Kazan studio of newsreel...
  • "Modern museum as the important resource of city and region development"
    The international scientific - practical conference "Modern museum as the important resource of city and region development" opened in Kazan town hall...
  • Competitive demonstration of festival films "Gold minbar" is completed
    Competitive demonstration of festival films The demonstration of the films, participating in the competitive program of the I International festival of Muslim cinema "Gold Minbar" came to the end by feature film " Peace time explosions" of Iranian...
  • Meeting in honour of 80-anniversary of Garif Akhunov...
    Meeting in honour of 80-anniversary of Garif Akhunov...The creative meeting devoted to the 80-anniversary of the national writer of Tatarstan Garif Akhunov will take place in M.Dzhalil's museum - apartment today...
  • M.Shaimiev had a meeting with outstanding conductor Fuat Mansurov
    On August 31, an outstanding orchestra conductor, professor, deserved artist of Russia, Kazakhstan and Tatarstan Fuat Mansurov was invited to Kazan Kremlin to receive the medal “In memory of Kazan 1000th anniversary” from...
  • The Hermitage center of Kazan
    The Hermitage center of KazanMintimer Shaimiev: opening of Hermitage center - one of the most remarkable pages in the list of the actions devoted to the 1000-anniversary of Kazan...
  • Photo-exhibition "Day of Petersburg with Mintimer Shaimiev" opens at National Museum
    Photo-exhibition Tomorrow the photo-exhibition "Day of Petersburg with Mintimer Shaimiev" is due to open at the National museum of the Republic of Tatarstan . The exposition consisting of Eugeny Sinyaver 's 55 photoworks will...
  • Страницы:  1  2  3  4  5 

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