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Kazan \ park of culture \

Kazan park of culture

  • Jazz trends of different epochs meet in Kazan at a “Jazz crossroad 2005”
    The annual International festival “Jazz crossroad” is a prestigious musical forum of Kazan devoted to the memory of Oleg Lundtrem and is held on November 18-20 at the State Big Saidashev Concert Hall. Modern trends of jazz as...
  • Îrganists from France and Germany are going to perform in Tatarstan
    Îrganists from France and Germany are going to perform in TatarstanThe art director of Chelny Concert Hall of organ music Igor Lerman informed about the plans of Organ Hall for the nearest future. Such prominent organists as Michelle Chapui (France), Ludger Lomann (Germany) and...
  • A vanguard art exhibition opened in State Museum of Fine Arts in Kazan
    A vanguard art exhibition opened in State Museum of Fine Arts in KazanAn exhibition “Kazan architectural artistic studios – vanguard of 1920s” opened in State Museum of Fine Arts in Kazan. The histrory of Kazan art school develoment at the beginning of 20th century and the rise of national fine arts are...
  • Fuat Mansurov is rewarded with a Friendship Order, Chulpan Khamatova became...
    Fuat Mansurov is rewarded with a Friendship Order, Chulpan Khamatova became...In accordance with the RF President Putin’s decree, about 100 cultural figures received state awards and honorary titles. RF Minister of culture and mass communication Alexander Sokolov presented the awards. The conductor of...
  • “Construction of a new building for Kazan Puppet Theater begins in 2006”
    “Construction of a new building for Kazan Puppet Theater begins in 2006”Construction of a new building for Kazan State Puppet Theater “Akiat” begins in 2006. RT Vice –prime minister and culture minister Zilya Valeyeva reported this piece of news on a session of RT State Council Committee on culture...
  • Monument to outstanding actor Vasily Kachalov unveiled in Kazan
    Monument to outstanding actor Vasily Kachalov unveiled in KazanA monument to Vasily Kachalov, the outstanding Russian drama actor, one of founders of actor's school of the Moscow art theatre named after Chekhov was unveiled...
  • The company of Mussa Jalil Opera and Ballet theater on European tour
    The company of Mussa Jalil Opera and Ballet theater on European tourThe company of Mussa Jalil Opera and Ballet theater is on tour in the Netherlands at the moment, where it is performing operas of George Baize “Carmen” and “Pearl hunters”. After shows in the...
  • Kazan young people’s theater has a new director
    Kazan young people’s theater has a new directorA new chief director was introduced to collective of Kazan State young people’s theater. It came to be an honored art worker Vladimir Tchigishev who worked about 20 years of Rostov young people’s theater renamed...
  • Today youth of Kazan will meet writer and publicist Aidar Halim
    Today youth of Kazan will meet writer and publicist Aidar HalimToday the meeting with prominent Tatar writer and publicist Aidar Halim will take place in literary club "Miras" -at the cultural center "Saidash" - under the name...
  • Exhibition of works by Italian pictorialist Enriko Kano opened in Kazan
    Exhibition of works by Italian pictorialist Enriko Kano opened in KazanYestoday within the framework of "Week of Italy in Kazan" the exhibition of works by Italian pictorialist Enriko Kano has opened. The exhibition entitled "Flowers and Architecture" settled down in gallery...
  • Ñòðàíèöû:  1  2  3  4  5 

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