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Kazan society
Members of parliamentary committees approved canidature of Рakhomov
May 24 members of parliamentary committees approved a candidature of ex-Deputy -Premier - Minister of Economy and Industry Alexei Pakhomov for election as the representative in Council of Federation of Federal Assembly... |
At opening of a mosque Kul Sharif guests will receive reprinting of the first Russian printed Koran
The session of organizing committee on preparation and holding the festive actions devoted to official opening Kul Sharif mosque and the Blagoveshchensky cathedral at the Kazan Kremlin took place at RT Cabinet... |
Forthcoming session of RT State Council is appointed on May 26
Today Presidium of RT State Council has approved the date, May 26, as day of forthcoming session of the republican parliament. The preliminary agenda covers 53 issues. The first issue in agenda...
Title "Altyn Nechkyebil" won by executive director of JSC "Myustela" Firdaus Devyatayeva
Mother of two adult daughters, executive director of JSC "Myustela" -Firdaus Devyatayava became the winner of republican competition of women's beauty... |
May 15 - Day of Grief on AIDS victims May 15, in many countries of the world, including Russia, the World day of memory for victims of AIDS will be marked. The echo of common tragedy has touched Tatarstan as well where since 1987 from the moment... |
Union of Tatarstan journalists is invited to participate in prestigious European competition "Prize of Europe" Chairman of the RT Union of journalists, Deputy Chairman of the republican parliament Rimma Ratnikova invites Tatatarstan journalists to take part in prestigious European competition "Prize Europe 2005". "Prize Europe" has been founded...
10 more Tatarstan editions will receive certificates of National circulation service May 12, ten Tatarstan magazines (9 Kazan and one regional), which certificated their circulations will receive certificates on membership in National circulation service. In festive ceremony... |
Investments into Tatarstan fixed capital for 5 years will increase almost twice The investments into fixed capital of Tatarstan enterprises by 2010 will almost be doubled in comparison with parameter of 2004 and make about 160 billion roubles. Such a forecast is made in the project of social and economic development program... |
M.Shaimiev: harvest this year should be good This year harvest should be good, - President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev noted, estimating progress of spring-field works in the republic. This statement he made yestoday during working... |
Tatarstan Ombudsman considers expedient to enter such uniform social travel card in order holders of benefit could use the right of free-of-charge travel across all Russia Мay 2 the Representative on human rights in the Republic of Tatarstan Rashit Vagizov spoke... |
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