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Kazan city life

  • President of Tatarstan considers that the post of president must be retained in the Republic
    President of Tatarstan considers that the post of president must be retained in the RepublicPresident of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev considers that the post of president must be retained. As M.Shaimiev stated in interview to "Interfax - Povolzhye" agency he regards unacceptable for Tatarstan the approach in resolving issues of statehood similar...
  • "Manager of year" expressed gratitude to President of Tatarstan M.Shaimiev
    The letter of thanks has arrived addressed to President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev on behalf of co-chairmen of Organizing Committee of the Russian competition "Manager of year" - president of the Free economic society of Russia, professor G.H. Popov and...
  • Today - Day of Slavic Writing and Culture
    Today - Day of Slavic Writing and CultureToday on Day of Slavic Writing and Culture RT Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of culture Zilya Valeyeva addressed Tatarstanians with congratulation in which she noted that in republic where lives more than 100 nationalities this holiday...
  • Today - Day of Press of the Republic of Tatarstan
    Today - Day of Press of the Republic of TatarstanDay of Press of the Republic of Tatarstan is celebrated today. In connection with the holiday RT Deputy Prime Minister, RT Minister of culture Zilya Valeyeva addressed journalists, publishers and printers...
  • M.Shaimiev discussed problems of Tatarstan writers with chairman of RT Union of writers
    M.Shaimiev discussed problems of Tatarstan writers with chairman of RT Union of writers The issues worrying literary community of the republic before the next congress of writers planned to hold on May 27 were discussed today at the Kazan Kremlin during the meeting between President of Tatarstan...
  • Mintimer Shaimiev: "Nafis Cosmetics" - fascinating prospects
    Mintimer Shaimiev: Kazan enterprise « Nafis Cosmetics» has fascinating prospects and manager’s team - daring but real plans. Such an impression was stated by President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev to journalists after President had reminded...
  • Ì.Shaimiev: "Tatarstan can well afford to undertake development of several breakthrough directions in the field of public health care"
    The Volga region branch of the Russian oncological N.N. Blokhin science center will be to set up in Kazan on the basis of the Clinical oncological clinic of RT Ministry of Health this year. The principal decision...
  • M.Shaimiev and O.Sysuyev festively opened 100-th Russian "Perekrestok (Crossroads)"
    M.Shaimiev and O.Sysuyev festively opened 100-th Russian The first hypermarket "Perekrestok (Crossroads)" which became the 100-th shop by number of the same trading house opened yestoday in Kazan. A traditional red tape which this time became...
  • R.Minnikhanov presented new minister of information and communication to staff of the ministry
    Yestoday Prime minister of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov presented new head of the RT Ministry of information and communication to the ministry staff. He replaced former head of Ministry of Communications Rinat Zalyalov on this...
  • Tatarstan to make its proposals to project of federal law "On special economic zones in the Russian Federation"
    The meeting on a vital topic concerning prospects of creating special economic zones in Tatarstan was held by new head of RT Ministry fo economy and industry Boris Pavlov. As known the project of federal law...
  • Ñòðàíèöû:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

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