01.09.05R.Shaikhelislamov: "Day of September, 1 is symbol of kind undertakings..." | Today - the All-Russia day of the knowledge, the first day of new academic year. The RT Minister of Education and sciences Rais Shaikhelislamov addressed with a greeting to the colleagues-teachers on this occasion.
Dear colleagues, students!
On behalf of RT Ministry of Education and science and myself personnaly let me congratulate you with the All-Russia holiday the Day of knowledge and with the beginning of new 2005\2006 academic year !
It is a custom to say the warmest words and wishes on September 1:fruitful work, realization of the creative plans, spiritual perfection, family and material well-being - to all teachers, and successes in study , interests to new, aspiration to grow up educated, littrate , interesting people - to their pupils. The future of education is the future of Republic and all country, and the common task is to build it for teacher and the pupil.
Due to the position of Republic government, the sphere of education concerns to number of State policy priorities, which has found its reflection in the state spendings for education realization of modernization programs at all the levels. Their realization is accompanied by a number of positive changes: computerization of an education system, high-scale experiment on growth of the programs variability.The serious work on transition to uniform requirements of once knowledge assessment and to use of normative financing on different educational levels has began .
I wish you all successful academic year, its successful start and the future successes!
The Minister of Education and sciences of Republic Tatarstan R.F.Shaikhelislamov.